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All-Star Cast of Investing Experts at the Global Financial Summit 2016 – The Atlantis Resort

All-Star Cast of Investing Experts at the Global Financial Summit 2016 – The Atlantis Resort

The Global Financial Summit is an exclusive investment conference that brings together an all-star cast of financial gurus, economic forecasters and geo-political analysts. They will offer an experienced perspective on wealth-building, offshore investing opportunities, financial privacy, investment strategies, the best investments to beat the market, and techniques to avoid treacherous bear markets. Featuring some of the biggest names and most insightful advisers in the investment world, the Global Financial Summit offers personalized and exclusive recommendations and opportunities for the most discerning investors who value market principles as a basis for their investing decisions.

The Panelists

Mr. Stephen Moore

Keynote Speaker Chief Economist Heritage Foundation

Mr. Grover Norquist

Keynote Speaker President Americans for Tax Reform

Mr. Ziad Abdelnour

Conference Co-Sponsor CEO, Blackhawk Partners Chairman, FPC

Mr. Knut Andersen

President & CEO Swissmetal Inc.

Mr. Bud Belcher

Senior Vice President Southern Energy Group

Mr. Josh Bennett

Attorney Josh N. Bennett, Esq., P.A.

Mr. Jeff Berwick

Founder The Dollar Vigilante

Mr. Alexander Green

Chief Investment Strategist Oxford Club

Mr. Mario Heider

Senior Relationship Manager Bank Winter & Co.

Mr. Daniel Mitchell

Senior Fellow Cato Institute

Mr. Lou Petrossi

Founder Wealth Research Institute

Mr. M.A. Plummer

Chairman & Owner Texas E&P

Mr. Doug Shea

CEO High Gravity Resources

Mr. Mark Skousen

Presidential Fellow Chapman University

Mr. Martin Truax

Managing Director Investments of Raymond James & Associates

Mr. David Warren

President & CEO Bridgeford Trust Company

Mr. Daniel Zurbreugg

Managing Director & Partner Swiss Infinity Global Investments

All-Star Cast of Investing Experts at the Global Financial Summit 2016 – The Atlantis Resort
Saturday Mar 19, 2016

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