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Category: Ziad K. Abdelnour

Regulating Social Media – Yeah or Nay

How safe do you feel on social media? On the one side, we have huge proponents of social media saying...

What Does It Take to Be a BIG Disruptor?

Today, almost every new technology is being called “disruptive,” and it’s mostly because that specific word has been overused for...

The Case for a Free World: Central Banks vs Cryptocurrencies

Most anyone with some access to media of any description, has now heard of Bitcoin. Many are also excited about...

Family office growth and governance

Family offices are powerful, a financial force to contend with. Even many in the financial world have yet to understand...

Future of the VC Industry

FROM DISNEYLAND TO VC MANOR Imagine gallivanting across Disneyland on a sunny March afternoon as the delightfully consuming scent of...

The Blueprint for Community Banks in a Digital World

Historically, community banks have been the pillar for any community, as they take care of the needs of the local...

Bitcoin: Drawing the Line Between Investors and Gamblers

People who bought and held their .01 bitcoins from 2010 could have enjoyed an increase in value of 119,999,900 percent. If...

Why Keep the Mortgage Interest Deduction Intact for Now

Arguments over the mortgage interest deduction are not new and arise from both sides of the political spectrum. It’s important...

The Looming Public Pension Fund Crisis

The United States’ public pension funds are in a terrible predicament. As of August 2017, Bloomberg reported that 43 out...

U.S. Healthcare: The Most UnAmerican Industry

In the past three decades, the U.S. healthcare industry has evolved to resemble a poorly regulated market, where financial incentives...

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