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Author: Ziad K. Abdelnour

Business is War

So, you think you’re ready to go into business? Well, I hope you are ready for the war of your...

Have the socialists set out to destroy your family?

Under a socialist agenda, the family unit is drastically at stake as the socialists are seeking to break up families...

3 Financial Rules That You Can Never Break

Everyone wants to be an investor nowadays, but not everyone can do it right. Too many people are under the...

Will President Trump Reign Supreme in This Election?

The intensity of this election year is stirring up more and more. But, as far as I’m concerned, there is...

The Games Have Begun

Listen up people. The world is changing right before our eyes and if you aren’t prepared for what’s in store,...

The Power of Capitalism – My Testimony

There are a lot of people that question why I feel so strongly about capitalism. No, it’s not because I’m...

Why would anyone in his right mind vote for a Socialist Democrat?

Having seen the DNC convention in its entirety, I have a few questions for those hardcore Democrats which I thought...

Capitalism: Your Ticket to Freedom

Here’s a question…when did the world become so opposed to achieving financial success? I mean, every time you turn around,...

Check These 4 Things To Skyrocket Towards Your Goal

What’s holding you back from reaching your goals? I’ll let you know now, it’s not that you aren’t capable or...

Beware: This One Thing Can Cost You Your Freedom

I want you all to take a look at the world around you. Why is that most countries are reporting...