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Author: Stanford Silverman

The Trojan Horse of Artificial Intelligence: A Corrupt Bargain, A Nation’s Betrayal 

Welcome, dear reader, to the dazzling spectacle that is the rise of Artificial Intelligence in our beloved United States—the land...

Beyond Division: The Financial Policy Council’s Role in Fostering Unity and Dialogue in the Age of Cancel Culture

In the current social and political landscape, a phenomenon known as cancel culture threatens to undermine the fabric of our...

Quantum Computing: America’s Key to Remaining Globally Competitive

I. Introduction  “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help...

Uniting America: A Journey Back to Foundational Ideals and Forward to Prosperity

Introduction:  In today’s America, a chasm has formed, dividing the nation into increasingly polarized camps. This division is not merely...

America and the Future of Globalism Challenges, Opportunities

Introduction In the predawn hours of an otherwise ordinary Tuesday, a city on the Eastern seaboard of the United States...

The True Threat of Debt Default for America

Introduction  As the United States grapples with an escalating national debt, the specter of a debt default casts a long...

Profiting from the NFT Revolution: A Comprehensive Guide to Investors

As an experienced NFT investor, I have seen the explosive growth of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) over the past 5-10 years....

From Crisis to Opportunity: Transforming America’s Economy for the 21st Century

As Erich Fromm wrote, “Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has...

Step Up Your Game, Increase Your Profit and Knock it Out of the Ball Park

As an experienced veteran in the vocational for-profit higher education marketplace, I have worked with over 250 Vocational universities, colleges...

Financial Independence and Wealth Generation Starts with Due Diligence

 If you want to find a real prince you need to kiss a lot of frogs! The problem that most...